Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Assignment # 9

Journal of loyalist James Wei, now revealing an entry!

Day 1: To Canada

The way I was treated by those Patriot scum will not be tolerated, kicking us out of my home even though I did absolutely nothing to them. They kicked me out of my home just because I have a loyalty towards our queen. I are living off the streets right now, with no where to go. I heard that Canada is a great place with plenty of everything. Yes, I'm going there.

Day 2: To Canada

I just made it into in New York, and I'm so thirsty... I'm hungry...SO HUNGRY! I'm so close to Canada, yet I am so far... I'm still here though, and I believe I can make it there. I need some food first. I better find some shelter first, and hopes that my friend William still lives at New York.

Day 3: To Canada

WOW! Still not there yet... I'm so glad I started from New Jersey, that it's so close to Canada. I feel kind of bad for those people who live way down in the 13Th colony. So much walking they must have done. I couldn't find William though... I'm worried something might have happened to him. I can't believe I'm only 2 hours away from Canada! This is going to be great after ALL THAT WALKING!

Day 4: In Canada

I finally made it into Canada, I've decided to start a new life. This country is better then the states, with plenty everything. This place is even better then what I have imagined it to be. Wow, it's actually very Refreshing here and I'm glad to be here now. Time to make a farm and start earning some money.

Day 5: In Canada

I can't believe how much people are a bit hostile towards me. They seem like they don't want me here. I got to stay here because my home is probably not even there anymore. I guess I will just have to live with it and I decided to finally get started on my farm. I actually met some good friends here too. Whats even more cool is that I saw William! He was in town and was working as a tailor as he says. Good luck to him and time to get a good night rest for an early start in the morning. I won't get my old life back, but I get to start a new life!
Unfortunately, I did not make this Template. However, I also improved the template. :)